Saturday, October 25, 2008

small town rewards

ooh. today was another cc holiday celebration: the livestock and heritage festival. but this one is pretty awesome. i came out of albertsons this morning (after saving $22 with coupons and my preferred shoppers card {!}) to find a large herd of sheep being paraded down main street. they were escorted by an atv, a horse with rider, one animal control unit and 2 cop cars. in case any of the sheep got out of line and tried to make a break for the pizza hut i guess. things got tense around the dairy queen, but there happened to be a pickup with an aussie shepard in the back who set them all straight. the paper claimed that there were 1500 head in the herd but id say 200 max by my count. one of those moments i am truly sorry i didnt have my camera, but boy did it make me smile. very cute... fortunately the cedar city review posted the above photo. other events include: cowboy poetry, dutch oven cook off, tractor pull, stock dog competition.

1 comment:

me said...

cowboy poetry sounds awesome. did they have any eating contests? prairie oysters?