Wednesday, October 17, 2007

great exhale...

...almost there. this has been one hell of a week. and it's only wednesday. so my graphic design poster was shot down on monday. very depressing. it's one thing when you know it's shit and you're called on it, but another when you actually like something and are told it should hang in a grade school class room. totally not my intended audience. took little minnow the kitten in to get spayed on monday. she pulled out 2 of her stitches monday night so we returned to the vet. he gave us one of those awful cone collars which lasted less than 5 minutes at home. i was sure she was going to decapitate herself. too sad to watch. as of this morning we still had 6 of the 8 original stitches holding. printed my xerox transfer litho of nanny and grandpa on the beach. 1 of 4 turned out. good enough. that's all i need. failed my typography quiz. literally. but in 2 and a half hours i will be on my way to nyc! so none of this will matter. for 5 days at least.

1 comment:

slimgilla said...

and how was ny? any pictures?