Sunday, August 24, 2008
love my neighbor
omygodx1000. my downstairs neighbor got internet and guess who is tapping into his wireless... i almost want to go give him some money. or cookies. i am actually blogging from home. school starts tomorrow and after all the plan a, b and cs. i decided to go ahead and start, and will drop/withdraw if we decide to move. i just felt there is too much uncertainty with this job in pdx (or seattle)(we still dont even know where the damn job is) to not have a back up plan. so it may cost me more money than i want to imagine, but it may be worth it if everything falls thru... plus keeping busy with school will keep me from dwelling too much on these minor details like my future and the future of my future child. for now, its time to go make some cookies...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
3:30 is the new 6:30
a.m. that is. every fucking night (morning?). i cant seem to sleep any more. and believe me it is taking its toll on my emotional stability and physical well being. grrr. now the yo-yo is spinning between seattle and portland. i can live with either one. i just wouldnt mind knowing which. might help with the 3:30 wake up calls. hope you are sleeping well and sound and dreaming lovely dreams.
Friday, August 15, 2008
woohoo. just hit 100 views. only 93 of them were me checking to see how many views ive had. so i finally opened an etsy site/store! jeezus christ it was alot of work. i probably spent at leat 10 hours from start to finish, maybe more with photos, uploading, reloading, resizing, figuring out the stupid etsy site, writing a description. im not sure if it was worth the trouble. well i just tried to link from here and i cant figure it out. oh fer fucks sake. how did i make the deans list? the etsy store name is jcdoe if you want to check me out. good luck. buy something. this kid is kicking like a maniac. 20 1/2 weeks. halfway there. i actually have a full weekend this weekend. ive worked the past three saturdays in a row. tonight im going to attempt making pork chops. i dont think ive ever done that before. the husband is the designated meat cooker. but he is in tucson and baby needs some protein. also on deck: a boy and his dog (fuck this link bullshit). a movie i know nothing about other than it stars a 1975 don johnson. also have flashdance. and farmers market tomorrow. hope yours is a safe and happy one.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
perhaps the new name of blogs to come? (north west washington)
husband may have job in seattle. tho yesterday he may have had a job in spokane, but that fell thru. and then this morning it was boise. and now its seattle. with another job offer in st. louis or denver. so im not getting excited until he is there (wherever there is) with paycheck and looking for an apartment for us. at least there are job offers. for pilots these days, they are hard to come by. and jeezus. seattle. i love seattle. i cant imagine living back in civilization again. restaurants, museums, galleries, book know, stuff. and the green trees and fresh fish and cloudy days.

Friday, August 1, 2008
so i lied
ok. so im pregnant. fat chance if you think im not going to be blogging about it. i know, i said this wouldnt turn into a mommy-baby blog. but i cant help it. yesterday was our big revealing ultrasound and... its a boy. ! i knew it all along. we are pretty sure we are going with charles henry, charlie as go by. i looove the name henry, but father of the child claims to hate it. however, yesterday he conceded and said its an acceptable middle name, if he must have one. if he must have one? puhlease, if i was the only one involved in this affair he would have three or four or five: charles henry jackson pike or charles henry wallace patrick pike the first... i just think a person should have options. thats why i love to order the sampler platter at restaurants, i can never decide on just one entree. its unfair to make me choose. i want the french fries and the salad and the soup and the coleslaw... please. anyway yesterday was such an exciting day, it almost felt like we had the kid, but were only half way thru with the hardest part yet to come. for the record, i love being pregnant. oh but heres something that has nothing to do with baby etc: i think i am no longer a sonic youth fan. it used to be that only kim gordons vocals got on my nerves, but now i cant stand thurstons.? what gives? i will always love daydream nation. and ok the first release self titled sy, and most of sister, and death valley '69 is probably, definitely in my top 10 all time favorite songs ever. i think it all started around goo, and just kept sinking into suck ever since. they still represent ultimate cool (of the mid 80s-early 90s at least), i just cant listen to them. for what its worth.
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