Thursday, October 9, 2008


the $763.00 seizure inducing scratching post:

in use:
jeezus i need to clean the carpet. im terribly embarrassed. but its a rental... ? anyway. as you can see, the couch finally arrived. its nice. it smells of pine. the stripes hurt my eyes.
oh, and we were approved for the nissan. sort of. not the 155/mo for 60 months that we had originally signed up for, but at 178/mo for 48 months. but after insurance it comes out to 300 bucks a month, which we decided was too much for us to take on at this time. . . seeing as how kb hasnt worked for 7 weeks and i make 8 dollars an hour... how the hell did we get approved? seriously. isnt this part of the reason the country is headed towards bread lines? so we had to turn down the offer. i made kb make the call, and in a last ditch attempt to change our minds mister carsalesman tells him, "i sure hate to think of your wife in that toyota..." kbs retort was, "yeah, poverty sucks." soooo, we are still looking for a car. but one we can just pay a medium amount of dollars all at once to a nice person in exchange for a reliable vehicle. is that so much to ask for?

1 comment:

slimgilla said...

i think i know where there's a nice couch that could be sold for a medium amount of dollars that could go towards a car. but i guess the car doesn't come with a scratching post or nifty visuals so i dunno, your call.

where is the title to the buick?