Tuesday, February 19, 2008

tcm is tcb

thank you turner classic movies for making a poor & lonely girl's nights a little more bearable lately. you tcm and the bottles of red wine that have been keeping me company. actually i do exaggerate, i think i only went thru one bottle the whole weekend (and a long weekend at that) can that be true? hmmm seems suspicious. also the spell check on this thing is not working. also all weekends should be 3 days long. also there should be no more 8 am classes ever anymore.
got up early today to finish my english paper assignment on "a place" and i finished it and then my prof didnt show up to class which is strange but at least it is done. great relief.
returned the 4 netfix discs that have been sitting unwatched at the house since before xmas. i thought i would (re)watch all the sopranos from season 1 thru, but just couldnt get into it but couldnt really admit i wasnt in to it so let them sit for yikes 2 months. im having a hard time coming up with movies i havent yet seen that i want to see. i may have to cut the membership soon. please, if anybody reads this, leave some suggestions in the comments. of course, you dont know what ive seen and havent seen but at least ill know you care or tried or tried to care...
ooh went to the home depot to get some hard board for my next painting assignment: a psychological self portrait...yes, thats art school for you
and spent over 3 hours carving linoleum that could have been done in less than an hour.
woohoo, time check and i have 8 minutes left at work, and then its home to robert osborne and the ox-bow incident, which im a little disappointed about tonights selection. looks dry and boring. unlike my left over beef stew.
sorry no pictures today. i think my computer is dying or dead.

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